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Geocaching 101
Thu, 3/14/2019 1:00pm to 2:00pm
See all dates
Cedar Hill SP
1570 West FM 1382
, , 75104
United States (972) 291-5940, x243

Join millions of others in the largest outdoor scavenger hunt!

Geocaching is a worldwide scavenger hunt with millions of hidden caches to look for. Come learn how to get started and try a 5-cache course with a Park Ranger!

**Email reservation required to participate. Limited GPS units available for use during program. Please request a GPS in your reservation if you would like to use one for the program. Please email your reservation to danielle.hatch@tpwd.texas.gov. **

Geocaching is a worldwide scavenger hunt with millions of hidden caches to look for. Come learn how to get started and try a 5-cache course with a Park Ranger! This course is meant for beginner geocachers but all are welcome.

Meet in the Penn Farm parking area.

Programs are subject to cancellation due to weather and/or trail conditions. Regular park admission fees apply. No additional charge for activity participation. 

Things To Do: 
All ages